
The Platform as an epidemiological surveillance tool of suicide reality in Spain.


Suicide is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the world, responsible for more than 700,000 deaths a year. But it is not only the deaths, many people suffer daily and have thoughts of suicide or even atempt it. Despite being a very serious problem, the World Health Organization [WHO] warns of ignorance and lack of action in a large part of Western countries, including Spain. A modern society concerned about the health of its members must establish action plans to combat this problem.

The National Suicide Prevention Platform was launched as a tool of epidemiological surveillance of suicide behavior in Spain. The Platform seeks to disseminate information on suicide in Spain. We want to bring the reality that we find in mental health centers and the community to the entire population and make the best data arrive with the greatest clarity, in a close and accessible way.

From this platform, it is intended to increase social awareness through scientific data. Drawing an accurate picture of the magnitude of suicide is essential in order to develop tools to combat suicide.



OMS annual report

Global data on suicide can be obtained through the World Health Organization (WHO) website. The page has updated prevalence data as well as prevention guides and actions developed by the organization. You can access this website through the following link: