What Suicide Prevention Plans are in place in Spain?

A descriptive analysis of the different Health plans by provinces

A comprehensive study carried out by the Sufrate-Lorzano team on suicide prevention plans in the 17 provinces and 2 autonomous cities of Spain reveals measures ranging from early detection to assistance to vulnerable groups. Efforts are aimed at preventing risk situations and providing support to those in crisis. This data has been obtained through government department websites as well as databases of software programs corresponding to healthcare systems.

The plans established in all Spanish provinces include universal, selective, and indicated preventive measures. Although not all focus on providing information about suicide to the general population, it is evident that interventions aimed at risk detection and assistance to vulnerable groups are much more prevalent, demonstrating widespread concern for addressing this public health issue.

These interventions can be categorized into three groups: general, training, and healthcare.

The similarity in the proposed objectives by each province reflects the magnitude of the problem and the importance of prevention in public health. With a focus on early detection and reducing risk factors, the plans seek to decrease suicide rates and improve the quality of life throughout the population. The data obtained highlights the need to update and adapt suicide prevention plans as society evolves. Education plays a fundamental role in improving suicide rates, providing information and knowledge about preventive measures to healthcare professionals and the general population.

Original paper: Sufrate-Sorzano, T., Jiménez-Ramón, E., Garrote-Cámara, M. E., Gea-Caballero, V., Durante, A., Júarez-Vela, R., & Santolalla-Arnedo, I. (2022). Health Plans for Suicide Prevention in Spain: A Descriptive Analysis of the Published Documents. Nursing reports (Pavia, Italy), 12(1), 77–89. https://doi.org/10.3390/nursrep12010009